–verb (used without object) 1. | the state of reposing or being at rest; rest; sleep. |
2. | peace; tranquillity; calm. |
3. | dignified calmness, as of manner; composure. |
4. | absence of movement, animation, etc.: |
5. | to lie or be at rest, as from work, activity, etc. |
6. | to lie dead: His body will repose in the chapel for two days. |
7. | to be peacefully calm and quiet: The sea reposed under the tropical sun. |
8. | to lie or rest on something. |
9. | Archaic. to depend or rely on a person or thing. |
Jan. 20 - Installation Day 8
We finished the floor installation!!! Total 10 sets of 8 colors plus 6 more lines = 86 lines x 2 inches = 172 inches x 14 ft. (168 inches) = 28896 inches square = 2408 ft. square. Once again, Yukari, Heesoo, Joi, Woo, Soon, and Grey came out to help, and one of the last lines, Lloyd also joined us sprinkling the shredded flowers.
Yukari documented the installation process in photos and videos, and I'll share them after the opening reception. Thank you, Yukari. =)
Thursday was a day of rest -
Friday, we hung a light box which looks fantastic. There, we're done. We just have a huge vinyl of my name and the show title to attach and some labeling. That's it.
I also went to Scott Ingram's ... Through Line... at Solomon Projects. His framed drawings were spread all over the gallery from the entrance... his interest in architecture reflected in his drawings as well as his placement of the framed drawings. I could not stand straight for long, so came home early for more rest. - just to let you know, I have a herniated disc and sciatica, so if you see me limping, sitting down, or not standing up straight... that's why
And next door of Get This! Gallery, Saltworks gallery also has an opening tomorrow 6-9PM for Jiha Moon's Blue Peony and Impure Thoughts. You can read a preview interview she did with burnaway here - Preview: Jiha Moon’s new solo opens Saturday at Saltworks.
It would be interesting to see how the audience responses to the simultaneous openings of two Korean women artists... also excited to have a wider range of audience from non-art communities, like my mom's friends from a church, and see how they respond to the visual inspirations of Korean artists' narratives.
Please, be mindful that the installation is extremely fragile.
See you tomorrow!
- G.